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by Fiona McBryde September 10, 2018 2 min read

We’ve been approached by several shops recently asking us if we would supply unpackaged soap.

This is an interesting question, because we love our packaging. Made from FSC paper and printed with vegetable inks, our wraps are completely recyclable and biodegradable. We get them printed locally in Stroud by a company powered by green energy.

That’s all well and good but is it necessary? This is the question posed to us.

Firstly, as a maker, we have certain legal obligations to tell you when you buy our soap. We need to specify what it is made from and if it contains any potential allergens, how long it might last and if there any cautions you might need to follow.  All our wraps are stamped with a batch number, so if in the unlikely event you were to experience an adverse reaction, we can trace the soap back to our own records, and in turn to our suppliers records.

The best and most efficient way to communicate all this with you is on on the package, but it’s not the only way. It can be on a gift card or leaflet or tag. It can also be on a notice somewhere near the point of sale.

But on a more practical level, we use our packaging to keep our soap in better condition for longer. We are able to transport it safely without risk of nicks and scrapes. We also find the wrap holds in the scent for longer, and helps to prevent the soap from “sweating”, which happens when the naturally occuring glycerine acts as a humectant drawing on the humidity in the air.

That sounds like we are decided on the subject, but actually we’re all ears. If we put our minds to it, none of the issues above are unsurmountable. It’s good to continually debate and question.

For now though, we think our fully recyclable wraps are the right packaging choice for us.

Fiona McBryde
Fiona McBryde

Founder. Soap maker. Never finishes a cup of tea.

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